Proskauer’s 21st Annual Trick or Treat Seminar was held on Thursday, October 27.

The Seminar discussed:

  • Best Practices for Document Retention: One Size Does Not Fit All
  • An Overview of Unrelated Business Taxable Income
  • New Department of Labor Fiduciary Regulations: The Employer Perspective
  • Annual Update on Employee Benefits and the Affordable Care Act

Amanda Nussbaum welcomed everyone to the 21st Annual Trick or Treat Seminar, commented on the IRS Tax Exempt and Government Entities FY 2017 Work Plan and FY 2016 compliance results (including, examinations and revocations), and introduced the presenters.

Proskauer’s 20th Annual Trick or Treat Seminar was held on Friday, October 30.

The Seminar discussed:

  • Non-Profit Revitalization Act of 2013: Recent Developments and Outstanding Issues
  • Recent Developments in Independent Contractor Misclassification
  • Purpose Investing for Charities
  • Benefits Update

Amanda Nussbaum welcomed everyone to the 20th Annual Trick or Treat Seminar, commented on some of the trends in nonprofit law over the last twenty years, and introduced the presenters.

Proskauer’s 18th Annual Trick or Treat Seminar was held on Thursday, October 31.

The Seminar discussed:

  • Statutory Authority of New York Attorney General’s Charities Bureau
  • Proposed Revisions to New York’s’ Not-for-Profit Corporation Law
  • Impact of United States v. Windsor on Health Insurance and Retirement Plans and Key Provisions of the Affordable Care Act

In her introductory remarks, Amanda Nussbaum provided a summary of recent Internal Revenue Service developments and introduced the presenters.