Proskauer’s 19th Annual Trick or Treat Seminar was held on Friday, October 31.

The Seminar discussed:

  • Charitable giving techniques
  • Labor and employment issues with using volunteers and interns
  • Recent developments in employee benefits

In her introductory remarks, Amanda Nussbaum discussed recent tax developments, including the development of IRS Form 1023-EZ, the process for reinstatement of tax-exempt status, and the proposed regulations under Section 501(c)(4), and introduced the presenters.

Proskauer’s 18th Annual Trick or Treat Seminar was held on Thursday, October 31.

The Seminar discussed:

  • Statutory Authority of New York Attorney General’s Charities Bureau
  • Proposed Revisions to New York’s’ Not-for-Profit Corporation Law
  • Impact of United States v. Windsor on Health Insurance and Retirement Plans and Key Provisions of the Affordable Care Act

In her introductory remarks, Amanda Nussbaum provided a summary of recent Internal Revenue Service developments and introduced the presenters.

Proskauer’s 16th Annual Trick or Treat Seminar was held on Monday, October 31, 2011. The Seminar discussed:
Corporate Governance for Not-for-Profit/Exempt Organizations
Maintaining Tax-Exempt Status During Election Season
Investment Management under UPMIFA: What’s Required, What’s Good Practice
Executive Compensation & Employee Benefits Developments

As we have previously reported, the Affordable Care Act (the “Act”) included additional requirements for tax-exempt hospitals to maintain their tax-exempt status; these changes are effective for tax years starting after March 23, 2010, the enactment date of the Act.   

These additional requirements included Form 990 reporting obligations for