The IRS and Treasury Department have released their annual Priority Guidance Plan (the “Plan”) for the 2012-2013 fiscal year.  The 35-page Plan is available here and includes thirteen projects directly related to Exempt Organizations.  At least five other projects, such as final regulations under Section 170 regarding charitable contributions and guidance on Section 403(b) plans, are also likely to be of interest to Exempt Organizations.

Treasury just released the 2011–2012 Priority Guidance Plan. The Plan lists 317 projects that are priorities for Treasury resources through June 2012. Included in these projects are 13 projects directly related to Exempt Organizations. Many of the other projects such as the 66 employee benefits, executive compensation and employment taxes may affect Exempt Organizations.

Last week, the IRS and Treasury Department released their annual Priority Guidance Plan for the 2010-2011 federal fiscal year.  The 34-page plan is available here.  The IRS exempt organizations web page identifies and lists eighteen items in the plan that affect exempt organizations.  Of the eighteen items, eleven were